Sharing the Space

As a ministry, we want to welcome all the people we can to serve and learn in our nation’s capital. For this reason, smaller groups may be asked to share the facility with another group.
Many groups who have shared the WSC with another group find that being able to meet other people coming to DC for a like trip is an added value to their experience. Sharing space is another way of building community between different groups, interests and faith traditions.
Our Policy & Approach
If a group has a contracted reservation for 19 or fewer people per night, they must be willing to share the WSC with another group if needed. If the group prefers not to share, the group must guarantee a payment of at least 20 participants per night, regardless of if the actual number of participants is lower.
If a group has a contracted reservation for 20 or more people per night, they may be asked by the WSC Director to share the WSC.
Only under very rare circumstances do more than two groups share the WSC, and this is always discussed with all group leaders prior to being arranged.
Sharing groups are always matched by age and programming needs. For example, an elementary-school group may be matched with a middle school group; a group bringing in a speaker for a hunger workshop may be matched with a group that could participate and split the cost. At the Washington Seminar Center, reservations are taken by number, not by gender.
Preparing to Share the WSC
Like any type of community building, sharing space takes some work and effort from everyone involved. As a hostel, there is much common space to be shared and enjoyed. Sharing the WSC will be much more successful if group leaders are in communication and participants understand what is expected of them regarding the WSC.
Here are some questions to discuss between group leaders who will be staying at the WSC together:
Overarching Group Questions
What is the purpose of your trip?
Has your group ever done a mission trip before? Have you ever been to the WSC before?
What is your group like? What are their interests? What are your group dynamics?
Would you be interested in sharing social activities, reflection, and devotion time?
Practical Questions
Sleeping Location: Would you like to share the sleeping space by group or by gender? If by gender, what is the breakdown of your group?
Eating: Would you be interested in sharing meal times or not? Your group cooks one night, we cook the other? Do you plan on going out to eat any evenings?
Sleeping Hours: Does your group have a curfew/bedtime? What time do your activities start in the morning? How early do you need to wake your group up and head out the door?
Departure: What day/time is your group leaving? How will we split the cleaning duties?
Cleaning: How do you define cleanliness and what are your expectations for the maintaining WSC during your stay? How will you ensure you follow these standards?